Mary Anne’s Polar Rig – Crash
The brand new nail-biting record ‘Crash’ by ‘Mary Anne’s Polar Rig’ is the second single taken from the forthcoming album ‘Makes You Happy’.
From beginning to end, the song builds up into a beautiful yet chaotic wall of sound that embodies raw the spirit of punk whilst not forgetting to omit the pleasant, memorable aspects of pop-style songwriting. The latest offering from the band, following the release of ‘Your House’ back in September, starts with a sharp-but-sensitive acoustic which drives the song into a huge, piercing chorus that will be sure to grasp the full attention of fans.
‘Crash’ details teenage life and all of the emotions that come along for the crash-course of a journey – speaking of the track, singer Malin Hofvander details “Crash is a song about the psycho-feelings you get when you first start seeing someone and all the hopes build up in your head just to… BAM! Have it all teared down again.” Each lyric is constructed to resonate inside the head of the listener as well as the roaring guitar lines and pummeling drums which echo of the early 90’s grunge and indie scenes.
The four-piece’s new single proves that the band is worthy of a place on anyone’s ‘ones-to-watch’ list as they validate their ability to release outstanding ‘in your face’ anthems. ‘Crash’ really is a song deserving of a place in anyone’s playlist.
Alex Malpass