Indie News

MAYHEM Streams Live Performance Of “Deathcrush”


Mayhem is now streaming the official live video for the song “Deathcrush” off their latest live album Daemonic Rites.

“We wanted to document how great the band and set sounds like after almost 40 years of playing live,” said Mayhem founding member Necrobutcher of Daemonic Rites. “As a treat to our fans, we decided to release this live recording.”

“We released the live version of De Mysteriis [aka De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Alive] a few years ago,” added Mayhem guitarist Ghul. “That was received very well. We have been playing together for so long now with this lineup that we feel we have reached a point where we are a seriously well-oiled machine. It seemed like a natural step to try to capture this moment in the band’s history, with the same setlist we have been using for a while.”

Get Daemonic Rites here.

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