Indie Music

Jess Cornelius – Body Memory

Jess Cornelius’ beautiful new track ‘Body Memory’ is the final track off her debut album ‘Distance’. The song is a heartfelt synth soundscape filled with the sorrow of a messy relationship which used to be happy. Her vocals are haunting yet beautiful, working incredibly with the dynamics and really bringing out the emotion of the track. 

The track deals with the heavy topic of a miscarrage with the lines “When we met I used to make you laugh/then we lost the baby and it broke my heart,” adding later: “My body has a memory and it won’t forget.” I felt these were very poignant lyrics, especially being so early in the track as it sets the story for the rest of the song.

Towards the end of the song there are some beautifully layered vocals. This brings over the emotion of the track but at the same time really fills out the last chorus. They all work delighfully together causing a heartfelt harmony of reverb infused vocals which bring the track to a glorious end.


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