Hamburger – All Hail Zebulon!

Hamburger are a six piece from Bristol. ‘All Hail Zebulon!’ is the first track from their six track EP entitled ‘Teenage Terrified’ which will be released on 11 December on Specialist Subject Records.
‘All Hail Zebulon!’ is an Indie/Folk/Pop Pic n’ Mix of a song. Playful vocals similar in style to Brendon B Brown from Wheatus go well with it. There are also strong references to Built To Spill and Pavement.
It has a steady and constant pace, which picks up with the addition of harmonic backing vocals. The chorus is sung with a catchy nursery rhyme cadence.
This is an easy-going alternative pop romp that will take your mind off all the BS in the world right now, if only for a few minutes.
Darren Kelly