Shame – Drunk Tank Pink

Shame are the closest thing we have in Britain to a super group (maybe besides IDLES) that will define years to come. They are signed to independent, but highly influential label Dead Oceans (part of Secretly group), their debut album was a smash hit, they toured the world, appeared everywhere a successful band should appear and now return with a second offering.
As predicted ‘Drunk Tank Pink’ went straight to the top 10, holds 80% on every review (both from the critics and the audience), is already recognized as one of the albums of 2021 and one of the most discussed records of the year.
I love the band. I nearly killed my copy of ‘Songs Of Praise’ by spinning it and can sing ‘One Rizla’ from memory like an anthem. I share Shame`s political sensibilities and in general matters of preference they are something I should like without even a blink of doubt.
Only, here goes the unpopular (controversial?) musical opinion, I don’t like ‘Drunk Tank Pink’! AT ALL! Not one bit. It`s not like I hate it or anything either. It`s just boring. Hopelessly boring without ever a chance of redemption. And in the most literal sense of the word – its forgettable, predictable, each song (bar ‘Nigel Hitter’ and ‘Alphabet’) sounds the same.
‘Born In Luton’ and ‘Snow Day’ may be about five minutes long but they drag ad aeternum. Imagine being sat reading ‘War and Peace’ on a really slow day. I end up skipping them altogether when listening to the album. ‘Human, for a Minute’ is a bad electro song that could have been in Blossoms repertoire but they rejected it. Horrible filler. The entire collection of songs feel like Talk Talk at their worst.
I don’t feel ‘Drunk Tank Pink’ at all. I can`t relate to a single song emotionally or intellectually as a listener, with exception of the last two minutes of ‘Station Wagon’. But that’s hardly enough for anyone. To me this record is what you buy and put on a shelf to forget about it and never listen to it ever again. I have such records in my collection.
I`m confused, disappointed and slightly scared. Have I lost touch with my ‘go to’ band? Am I becoming old and no longer “getting it”?
I still plan to see Shame when gigs become a safe thing for an asthmatic to attend. Perhaps ‘Drunk Tank Pink’ is a record that needs to be experienced live. Till then…
I am sorry guys – I still love you but I cant engage with this record. I`ve tried.
Malicia Dabrowicz (Vanadian Avenue)