BARONESS Announces European Tour Dates

Baroness is taking their Sweet Oblivion tour over to Europe this July and August around a handful of festival dates. Check out the full list of dates below and get your tickets here.
Baroness said of the trek: “Finally, we’re coming over to play some festivals we haven’t been to before, play songs from Stone for the first time in Europe and the U.K. and most importantly, see YOU after too long a time away!”
7/24 Vienna, AT Simm City
7/26 Plovdiv, BG Hills of Rock
7/28 Zagreb, HR Vintage Industrial Bar
7/30 Budapest, HU A38 Ship
8/1 Transylvania, RO Rockstadt Extreme
8/2 Wacken, DE Wacken Open Air
8/3 Karlsruhe, DE Substage
8/5 Saarbrucken, DE Garage
8/6 Aschaffenburg, DE Colos-Saal
8/8 Hradec Kralové, CZ Brutal Assault
8/9 Leipzig, DE Werk 2
8/11 Kortrijk, BE Alcatraz Open Air
8/13 Nijmegen, NL Doornroosje
8/15 Bristol, UK ArcTanGent
8/16 Southampton, UK The 1865
8/18 Carhaix, FR Motocultor Festival
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