DEVILDRIVER Is Teasing Something, Former Drummer JOHN BOECKLIN Seemingly Involved
Good news! It looks like DevilDriver is gearing back up to either record new music or hit the road. A brief post on the band’s Instagram from frontman Dez Fafara reads: “What’s @devildriver doing it’s been so quiet ..? That’s what fills my DMs daily so allow me to enlighten you.”
Here’s where things get interesting. The post tags both current drummer Davier Pérez and drummer John Boecklin, who left the group in 2014. So it’s not clear what role Boecklin plays at the moment, as a producer or a member of the band, or whatever else. Fafara didn’t answer any questions about Boecklin‘s involvement on his personal Instagram either, so who knows.
But hey – DevilDriver is up to some stuff and that rules.
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