THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA’s JEREMY DEPOYSTER Defends Albums Over Singles: “I Don’t Think The Suits Really Know What’s Going On”

The Devil Wears Prada has been touring on their 2022 record Color Decay pretty heavily over the past two years. According to vocalist and guitarist Jeremy DePoyster in an interview with Wired In The Empire, The Devil Wears Prada has a whole boatload of new material they’ll start recording once they’re done touring in February 2025.
“We are, definitely. I mean, it’s been about two years since we put [Color Decay] out. But we’ve been working on that record for a couple years since before then. We’re really busy, like too busy. We’ve kind of spent every single moment that we’re not on tour going out to California and renting some studios and writing a bunch of stuff. So we’re sitting on a big pile of stuff. But we will definitely not put anything out until next year. I didn’t really wanna cloud up the set with trying to put out a new song and stuff. But I would say this tour and our European tour coming up [in February] are probably the tail end of the ‘Color Decay’ era. And then we’re gonna push forward from there.”
When asked if The Devil Wears Prada ever considered releasing singles instead of full-length albums, DePoyster said it never really entered the conversation:”Oh my gosh, yeah. Dude, I’m old school, man. I still like records.”
He continued: “You know what? A couple of years ago, I had a bunch of people telling me the record is dead. It’s all about singles now. It’s all about short form. And then a bunch of my friends in other bands just kept putting out records and we kept putting out records. And I’m, like, I don’t think the suits really know what’s going on. I think the fans and the bands definitely know what’s going on. And I think people just, especially with physical media and putting an LP on and listening to it, there’s just something about just from start to finish, a really well-curated track listing, and that sets the vibe that I don’t think we’ll ever go away from.”
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