TOM G. WARRIOR On CELTIC FROST’s 2001 Reunion: “In Hindsight, Maybe We Should Have Done It With REED”

Celtic Frost reunited in 2001 as founding frontman Thomas Gabriel Fischer and bassist Martin Eric Ain alongside drummer Franco Sesa and guitarist Erol Unala. Celtic Frost would release Monotheist in 2006 and would eventually break up in 2008.
The reunion did not feature longtime drummer Reed St. Mark, who drummed for Celtic Frost for a large chunk of the years between 1985 and 1993. Now in an interview with the Scars And Guitars podcast, Fischer noted that maybe carrying on the band without St. Mark was probably a mistake.
“You know what? It’s something I think about every single day. Reed is still one of my closest friends, and we are still in contact. And we have talked about it. And Reed would’ve been part of the Celtic Frost union in the 2000s, but Martin didn’t like the idea, for some reason.
“I never really found out why Martin didn’t want Reed to be part of it, because I actually flew to New York to ask Reed to be part of it, and Reed said he would be. But Martin opposed it and brought in his own friend, Franco Sesa, which, of course, eventually [led to the band’s split]. I respect Martin‘s choices, which is why it happened. Celtic Frost wasn’t a dictatorship. But now, in hindsight, maybe we should have done it with Reed.”
Fischer later discussed that he’s been in touch with St. Mark about potential Celtic Frost tribute shows, though nothing concrete has yet come to pass.
“I frequently talk with Reed about him flying to Zurich. He still lives in North America. I talk to him about flying to Zurich and us doing a session to see where we stand musically with our capabilities, to see if it’s possible to do maybe a Martin Ain tribute show or two somewhere.
“Not to reform Celtic Frost, of course, which is impossible, but to ask other ex-Celtic Frost members to come and put together a lineup of people who all were in Celtic Frost and play Celtic Frost songs in honor of Martin, maybe for two shows or something like that. We have talked about this, and I’m sure we’re gonna try to do it. I can’t really comment on Reed‘s playing proficiency, because I’m constantly on stage and he isn’t, so I don’t know. It remains to be seen. He says he can do it, so let’s see. If he can do it, I’m sure it’s gonna happen.”
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