Oscar The Wild – My Daisy

On the surface, ‘My Daisy’ could be mistaken as just another rousing pop-rock banger, containing a raucous chorus with a dominant guitar riff. Below it though there is an inherent vulnerability to the band’s sound which comes through in the track’s lyrics. ‘My Daisy’ talks about the downfall of a relationship due to long-distance, which reflects the introspective lyrics, which also speak about mental health and self-improvement.
One of my favourite things about the song is the way the trio haven’t covered up their lush Australian accents during the shared vocals on this track. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as since early 2018 Oscar the Wild have played their way into the hearts of punters around Adelaide. Quickly making a name for themselves, the four girls have had three massive years together and are looking towards the future.
Throughout 2020, they have been forced to take a break from their relentless gigging schedule around their home city, which has given them the time to really focus on their songwriting and the sound they want to put out into the world. They haven’t completely let the pandemic get the better of them, with ‘My Daisy’ heralding the beginning of a new era for the band as they aim for the stars.
Ryan Powell