ADAM WARREN Elaborates On OCEANO’s Plans For A “Funeral”

Oceano is sadly coming to an end after some drama surrounding their plans to tour with Attila and Dealer. In a new statement from vocalist Adam Warren, there will be a “funeral” for Oceano in 2025 that’ll act as a sendoff for the classic deathcore band. No additional details are available at the moment, though Warren notes it’ll be a “fun send off for the REAL Oceano fans, friends, and family.”
“Oceano had no other tour plans lined up for the year so that allows us to focus on pushing this forward smoothly.
“The Funeral of Oceano:
“We have started Talks and planning directly with our team on our final shows ever in 2025. (I must prepare you, Oceano is never coming back after these shows happen. sorry, and if you’re those few truly happy about it? Me too. I’m getting too old for this shit lol).
“The Funeral will be a unique experience and A fun send off for the REAL Oceano fans, friends, and family. I have been in talks with old friends abroad and from back home to have their bands or business be involved. I’m excited about being able to be super hands on with this! More news to come!
“Meantime, Enjoy the new album Living Chaos It’s litterally the Last Oceano Album EVER to be done! Me and Scott are very proud of it! And I’m proud of SCOTT for writing such amazing heavy music. You all should work with and pay Scott (our guitarist/composer) to help you produce music.
“He’s a genius at it and I think he’d be greatly successful with it if he chose to work with a few good artists here and there. Js. As for me I’m already focusing on my Solo Music / Live Rehearsals for my solo project down in Texas. I’ve been releasing music solo since 2022. So Moving on from Oceano, You can find all my music at ADAM ON EARTH on All Platforms right now. Much love. Forward NEVER backwards.”
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