CANNIBAL CORPSE’s New Plushie Is Adorably Gory

Have you ever looked at Cannibal Corpse‘s Butchered At Birth cover and thought “what if those sadistic bastards were actually an adorable plushie I could have at my house?” Well someone in the Cannibal Corpse camp did, and now we’ve got that hypothetical plushie here and ready to be taken home.
“On this Friday the 13th … we present some brand new Butchered at Birth merch – including – the ultra limited Cannibal Corpse ‘Butcher Buddy’ Plushie! The Cannibal Corpse Butcher Buddy plush toy design, featuring a limited edition Butchered At Birth 13″ tall plush figure. Available now in our store!”
Get it here before they’re gone! Butchered At Birth was released in 1991 and featured vocalist Chris Barnes, guitarists Bob Rusay and Jack Owen, bassist Alex Webster, and drummer Paul Mazurkiewicz. Cannibal Corpse still breaks out the track “Gutted” live, having played it as recently as 2023.
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