CKY’s CHAD I GINSBURG Responds To ALIEN ANT FARM’s DRYDEN MITCHELL: “Nothing Wrong With Defending Yourself From A Bad Guy”
CKY got themselves booted from Alien Ant Farm‘s ongoing UK tour over the weekend when CKY frontman Chad I Ginsburg allegedly assaulted Alien Ant Farm vocalist Dryden Mitchell. Mitchell issued a whole statement on the situation, while Ginsburg simply stated he had no choice but to protect himself.
Now Ginsburg has offered a much lengthier statement via Instagram Stories, reiterating that he was only defending himself. Ginsburg also shared a bunch of screenshots of Mitchell allegedly being racist, as well as some Alien Ant Farm fans doing the same, none of which will be shared here due to the language used. They’re probably still up on Ginsburg‘s Instagram if you really wanna read it.
“Nothing wrong with defending yourself from a bad guy,” wrote Ginsburg in one of his stories. “If you are attacked or feel truly threatened, have no fear and stop the threat however you can.
“I had to protect myself. It was a split second reaction to a very angry guy muttering then yelling #*%! at me from 10ft away charging at ME ,into my personal space ! Coming at me. He was attacking me! , I felt a physical threat and had I not tried to avoid the attack, I would have been assaulted. for fucks sake.
“I could say so much more. But situation sucks for al! I’d like to stop. Rather not get all into all. It’s no one’s biz. This is not news. . as unfortunate as the situation is all together.”
Ginsburg later added: “It is no secret that the UK is CKY‘s favorite place to play and the ticket sales prove that as well out of all this, nothing hurts me more than not being able to perform for the fans that had tickets and I deeply apologize for any inconveniences this unfortunate situation has caused anyone..as we have many losses to recover as well at this point. Till we meet again UK LOVE THE FUCK OUT OF YOU AND IRELAND!!”

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