GOD FORBID’s BYRON DAVIS: “I Want New Music. The Dudes In The Band Want New Music.”

God Forbid isn’t actively working on their first new record since 2012’s Equilibrium, but they seem pretty open to it these days. God Forbid guitarist Doc Coyle recently noted he’s got some new riffs and song ideas laying around, and that it’s just a matter of finding time where the band can work together.
Now God Forbid vocalist Byron Davis is chiming in during an interview with The Metal Mixtape, and he’s making it very clear that he wants to do new material. Davis‘ reasoning is that God Forbid can only play their old material for so long live, but also notes that he doesn’t want to rush anything.
“I think that until we get new music, anything more is just playing… It’s not really playing ourselves out. It’s just… Dude, I want new music. The dudes in the band want new music. I’d rather spend the time writing music than playing shows at this point, to be honest. I wanna get out there and have something new. Yeah, we have a couple of B-sides that no one’s ever heard, but I wanna have new current music. So, we’ll see what happens. Everyone has schedules.
“And then God Forbid is not one of those bands that just throws anything together. When we write, we take our time and we write. Luckily for us, everyone in our band is about integrity, so they’re not just gonna throw out some slop. So, it’s gonna have to go through the gauntlet a couple of times before parts get cemented as the parts. And then from there, then we’ll put it together, run some demos. I already started speaking to my man that produced a lot of the material that we did, on the vocal tip.
“So when we do some material, it’s gonna be a record worthy of being called a God Forbid record; it’s not just gonna be thrown together. So if it takes a little bit longer, it’s worth it. Nah, man, we can’t be coming in with that bullshit. We’ve gotta stamp it with the God Forbid. It can’t be less than; it’s gotta be greater than. We’ve got a we got a back catalog that stands the test of time, and the new shit needs to stand the test of time as well. So that’s how we go into the writing process.”
God Forbid in 2025 is Davis, Coyle, drummer Corey Pierce, bassist John “Beeker” Outcalt, and live guitarist Nick Hipa.
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