Fashion Or Total Ripoff? DIRK VERBEUREN Calls Out Company For Using SOILWORK’s Album Art

High-end fashion that dips its toes into the metal water generally falls into two categories – prohibitively expensive while looking very average, and prohibitively expensive while looking like a blind second grader’s project.
This Vetements sweatshirt falls squarely into the latter. The sweatshirt combines ripoffs of the first Diablo cover, the Ensiferium logo, the cover of EyeHateGod‘s Southern Discomfort, Soilwork‘s Stabbing The Drama, and a patch below the Diablo cover that I can’t identify into something that I personally would pay maybe $15 for if I saw it at a thrift shop.
Beyond the fact that it looks horrendous, former Soilwork drummer Dirk Verbeuren caught wind of it and threw a question out to his followers – is it alright for companies to do this?
“Metalheads, I’d love to hear your opinion about this @vetements_official garment including @soilwork’s Stabbing The Drama cover art, created by @mirceaeftemie, as well as a bunch of other (sometimes slightly modified) band logos and art. Price tag: $1,600. Most of you have probably noticed this fashion trend of recycling/stealing metal imagery.
“So… Fashion or total rip-off? What do you think?”
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