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Carsn. Prepares To Drop Fresh Music After “Rip Away”

A new breakup anthem “Rip Away” was recently shared by Carsn., an up and coming artist with a spectacular taste in music. The singer-songwriter creates melodic hip-hop and pop vibes that can carry the listener through any mood. As if ‘ripping away’ the bad memories and the bitter aftertaste of a breakup, “Rip Away” is symbolic of the newfound hope a lot of us experience when we see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Carsn. is a full-time graduate student as well as an artist, and his passion for music-making runs deep and long back in time, when Carsn. used to be a professional athlete, splitting his time between these activities. “It’s tough to say right now what I want to do full time, but one thing I do know is I want to continue to make music and create. If I can’t create, I’m lost. It’s never about the money for me, it’s about trying to do what I love, and I think for a long time this will be music,” Carsn. said in an interview. Get to know more about the artist by reading his full interview here!

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